BH01 - 500pts


Download the file and find a way to get the flag. Contents: program

Challenge Files:


  1. Inputting some random letters into the program prints some of the flag:

     What is the magic word?
     Flag: aLittLeObfuScatIo������uF?9��
     Did you understand that?

    However, the amount of the flag that is printed changes each time we run the program using the same input. There appears to be 4 different variations so a random number generator is involved. Using an input that consists of a single character seems to always produce the same output.

  2. We can decompile the binary using Ghidra to see what the program does:

    main function:

     undefined8 FUN_00101209(void)
         byte bVar1;
         byte bVar2;
         int iVar3;
         uint uVar4;
         time_t tVar5;
         long in_FS_OFFSET;
         uint local_90;
         time_t local_88;
         undefined4 local_7d;
         undefined local_79;
         undefined8 local_78;
         undefined8 local_70;
         undefined8 local_68;
         undefined8 local_60;
         undefined4 local_58;
         undefined8 local_48;
         undefined8 local_40;
         undefined8 local_38;
         undefined8 local_30;
         undefined8 local_28;
         undefined2 local_20;
         long local_10;
         local_10 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
         tVar5 = time(&local_88);
         local_48 = 0;
         local_40 = 0;
         local_38 = 0;
         local_30 = 0;
         local_28 = 0;
         local_20 = 0;
         local_7d = 0x16120a05;
         local_79 = 0x18;
         puts("What is the magic word?");
         fgets((char *)&local_48,0x28,stdin);
         local_78 = 0x103f4f6c803a05b6;
         local_70 = 0x9f2abbb5f5e62364;
         local_68 = 0x982b00094580efba;
         local_60 = 0x3f4675fb93f9dfb2;
         local_58 = 0x1afcba39;
         iVar3 = rand();
         uVar4 = (int)*(char *)((long)&local_48 + (long)(int)*(char *)((long)&local_7d + (long)(iVar3 % 5))
                                 ) - 0x5a;
         local_90 = 0;
         while (local_90 < uVar4) {
             bVar1 = ~*(byte *)((long)&local_78 + (ulong)local_90) + 0x2f;
             bVar2 = (byte)local_90;
             bVar1 = (~(~(0x57 - (~(bVar1 * -0x80 | bVar1 >> 1) - 0x33)) - 0x3f) ^ bVar2) + 0x4e ^ bVar2;
             bVar1 = ~((bVar1 * '\x02' | bVar1 >> 7) + 0x3d) ^ bVar2;
             bVar1 = ~(bVar1 << 3 | bVar1 >> 5);
             if ((int)uVar4 < 0) break;
             bVar1 = ~((bVar1 << 5 | bVar1 >> 3) - bVar2) - 0x17;
             bVar1 = ~((bVar1 * -0x80 | bVar1 >> 1) - bVar2);
             bVar1 = 0xad - ((bVar1 << 3 | bVar1 >> 5) + 0x3c);
             bVar1 = (bVar1 * ' ' | bVar1 >> 3) + bVar2;
             bVar1 = (bVar1 * '\b' | bVar1 >> 5) - bVar2;
             bVar1 = ~(bVar1 * -0x80 | bVar1 >> 1) ^ bVar2;
             bVar2 = (bVar1 * -0x40 | (byte)-bVar1 >> 2) - bVar2;
             bVar1 = ~(~(~(bVar2 * ' ' | bVar2 >> 3) ^ 0x45) - 8);
             *(byte *)((long)&local_78 + (ulong)local_90) =
                 (0xd1 - ((bVar1 << 2 | bVar1 >> 6) ^ 0xef) ^ 0x65) - 0x3a;
             local_90 = local_90 + 1;
         puts((char *)&local_78);
         puts("Did you understand that?");
         if (local_10 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
             return 0;
                             /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
  3. The program picks a random byte from local_7d and uses that byte to index the user input to get a single character uVar4. Next, a loop runs that prints the flag character by character. However, it only iterates trough the loop uVar4 - 0x5a times. Therefore, the letter that is selected from the input has to have an ascii code minus 0x5a (90) that is greater than the length of the flag.

  4. } has a large ascii value. If we sent a lot of }s into the program, it will print the flag: python -c "print('}'*50)" | ./program. This is because the program selects a random character from our input, subtracts 90 from it, and then prints that many characters of the flag. So, 125 - 90 = 35 which means the loop runs 35 times and successfully displays the 29 character flag. We cannot use just one } because the program selects a random character from the input and it a character does not exist at the chosen index, it selects \x00 (a null byte).

     What is the magic word?
     Flag: aLittLeObfuScatIonalCharActEr
     Did you understand that?



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