BM03 - 250pts


Download the file and find a way to get the flag. Contents: flag

Challenge Files:


  1. Decompiling the binary shows an output() function and a line in output() that stops printing the flag if the rows argument is less than 6.

    output function:

     void output(int rows,int cols)
         long lVar1;
         undefined8 *puVar2;
         undefined8 *puVar3;
         long in_FS_OFFSET;
         int i;
         int j;
         int flag [6] [85];
         char flagChars [11];
         long local_10;
         local_10 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
         lVar1 = 0xff;
         puVar2 = &DAT_00100a00;
         puVar3 = (undefined8 *)flag;
         while (lVar1 != 0) {
             lVar1 = lVar1 + -1;
             *puVar3 = *puVar2;
             puVar2 = puVar2 + 1;
             puVar3 = puVar3 + 1;
         flagChars[0] = ' ';
         flagChars[1] = '_';
         flagChars[2] = '/';
         flagChars[3] = '\\';
         flagChars[4] = '(';
         flagChars[5] = ')';
         flagChars[6] = '`';
         flagChars[7] = ',';
         flagChars[8] = '|';
         flagChars[9] = '.';
         flagChars[10] = '\0';
         i = 0;
         while (i < rows) {
             j = 0;
             while (j < cols) {
             putchar((int)flagChars[flag[(long)i * 0x55 + (long)j] / 100]);
             j = j + 1;
             i = i + 1;
         if (rows < 6) {
             puts("\x1b[31m Error displaying rest of flag\x1b[0m");
         if (local_10 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
                             /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
  2. Launch the program in GDB then do the following:

    1. Breakpoint at output: b output

    2. Call output but will the rows argument set to 6: call output(6,0x55)

    3. Continue past the breakpoint: c

    4. The flag is printed:

          __       __                          _                      ____ __           
      ____/ /___   / /_   __  __ ____ _ ____ _ (_)____   ____ _       / __// /_ _      __
      / __  // _ \ / __ \ / / / // __ `// __ `// // __ \ / __ `/      / /_ / __/| | /| / /
      / /_/ //  __// /_/ // /_/ // /_/ // /_/ // // / / // /_/ /      / __// /_  | |/ |/ / 
      \__,_/ \___//_.___/ \__,_/ \__, / \__, //_//_/ /_/ \__, /______/_/   \__/  |__/|__/  
                             /____/ /____/           /____//_____/



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